Merino Underwear that lasts

I've owned many merino under layers, from many different brands; some last 1 season, some 2-3. Yet they are expensive (near 100 CAD$); why all the holes?
I bought some Merino Underwear from Ebay a few years ago. I've used them skiing, rafting, canoeing, rubbed them, scrubbed them and you know what? no holes.

They came from Lithuania, cost 33% less than what you can buy here locally (of which Icebreaker is the most iconic brand). They won't wear through; I do admit they tend to stretch and become a bit loose; however that's no big deal compared to gaping holes I've had in Icebreaker and MEC ones.
So here is a link!
Or search for UT Merino on The results from Lithuania with "Merino Wool UT" in the title should do it. You won't be disappointed :)